Liberal Texas Sheriff INSTANTLY EXPOSED After INSANE DNC Speech Gaslighting Kamala’s Border Crisis!



We don’t claim this sheriff in TX

It’s not the President job to protect the world it’s the President’s job to protect Americans.


  1. What drug is that idiot on…because he is over dosing on it. That Heifer isn’t doing anything but inviting them into our country, giving them FREE everything and we are paying for it. This has to stop, the people of this country need to get together and push these idiots out of office and force them out of this country with the people they love so much…the illegals.

  2. It’s WRONG. Simple as that.
    This is how the far far left hopes to break the back of everything our Founding Fathers established.
    One of my relatives Benjamin Harrison signed the Declaration of Independence.
    Then came TWO Presidents in my family tree~ William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison (relative of the first).

    It is my firm belief that ALL late US Presidents are ALL rolling in their graves at what has become of America.

    I believe the very FIRST thing that the far left did started 50 years ago! By breaking the tradition of what I call “The Vow of Ruth”…. who said to her mother-in-law Naomi “Your land shall be my land your people shall be my people and your God shall be my God”

    Even Benjamin Franklin supported that ideology. Duh. Every nation on earth basically does. You don’t want somebody to come in and ruin everything you’ve got (which is what’s happening to the US now.)
    But what the Department of Immigration and Naturalization did was deviate from our laws and traditions and they began to deliberately let in anybody and everybody>>>all the false religions flooded in. All of them and they are false religions and we were and ARE a Christian nation regardless of what that idiot Barack Obama has stated. So once an ocean of people came in who did not believe what we believed they came here for a slice of the pie or frankly to take over~ and that’s what has eventually brought us to the brink today.

    Because of that situation we could no longer preach the Bible in school we could no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance we could no longer pray in any public gatherings, the Left wants to remove “In God we trust” from all of our thousands and thousands of courthouses public places & where it’s carved in stone all over Washington DC where I lived for six years

    We could no longer do this we could no longer do that we could no longer be America basically; we were and are being changed into a totally different animal.

    And so now you’ve got these thugs by that semi truckload flooding into Illinois and they wonder why they’re now spending $460M to lavish all kinds of services on these people We don’t even know!

    We did not ask for this we did not invite them in The whole world is not our responsibility. We can’t even afford all of this staggering burden on our shoulders. No other country does this or is asked to do this We can’t even afford all of this staggering burden on our shoulders. No other country does this or is asked to do this. We are not Santa Claus. We are not God.

    Somebody’s gotta be held accountable for this. SOMEBODY HAS GOT TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

    • The criminals in our government are trying to destroy this nation, from top to bottom and the useful’s keep voting against their own interests and for the criminals!
      That is the simple reason no one is held accountable for the destruction of our nation!

  3. I’m sure he was paid a hefty sum, to lie his butt off at the DNC. They probably offered him a job in the administration to get him out of his position as a sheriff. What a lame ass sheriff.


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